WhoshouldIsee Tracks live streaming Archives - Aztec Events

live streaming your next event: how it works

Events all over the world are being postponed and in a worst-case scenario, cancelled, at this unpredictable time, and event organisers rely on live streaming services to achieve maximum reach in a way they haven’t explored, or relied on, before.
Live streaming allows these events to go ahead, however the majority of attendees will be watching remotely.

This is not only beneficial for the current crisis, but also something to consider for combatting general issues that organisers can face in future, e.g. speaker cancellations. With a live streaming solution – you don’t have to worry about attendance dropping as anyone concerned with attending the event can watch from the comfort of their workplace or home – in fact studies show you can increase your audience with live streaming by a massive 75 times!

This was DEMONSTRATED in 2015 when 160 thousand people attended the Salesforce’s Dreamforce Conference but a further 12 million individuals watched online over a four day period, so the results show that it’s a great audiovisual option regardless of the current situation.

The web-casting technology we use is able to stream to Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media platforms. This sophisticated HD technology allows us to connect a camera feed and presenter’s computer. We capture both items in a single video stream and, in a live event, output this live across networks to overflow theatres. This content can also be captured for live output onto the Internet and/or recorded for editing and streaming post-event.

live streaming

An example of internal live streaming we used this year was at the Bett Show. As well as having the choice of streaming to external online platforms, we also provide an internal system where two camera feeds and the presentation are mixed together and sent to remote viewer locations within the venue. This allows audience members who perhaps couldn’t gain access to the main theatre due to being oversubscribed, or maybe if the delegate is looking for a more informal viewing experience.

The versatility that this technology allows is boundless, and it can be also beneficial for education and medical purposes. Later this year, for example, we are planning to perform a livestream laser eye surgery from a remote location back to a live event theatre at Optrafair 2020 in the autumn.

live streaming

How it works?

∙         Setting up show-specific communication accounts e.g. Skype or Zoom.

The goal is to create a simple and easy solution for remote web-presenting. Often Speakers have a
preferred platform that they’re comfortable using; the technology we use is adaptable with almost
any online communication platform. This is also a great solution if your speakers work for or have
any company-affiliated platforms, it can be used as an advertising opportunity for the software as
well as a communication solution.

∙         Pre-show sound and video tests.

According to research conducted by Brightcove, 62% of consumers will have a negative perception
of a brand that publishes poor-quality video. We know that this is of paramount importance to your
event so we will carry out testing of software, communication with the venue to ensure sufficient
internet bandwidth and pre-show sound testing with the speakers to ensure every element is fine-

∙         Speaker guides for remote presenting and pre-show meetings to answer any questions

how it works

∙         Provision of screen-sharing software for Speakers who wish to provide demonstrations.

This allows them to not only share their presentation as they would if appearing in-person, but to
provide live demonstrations of software, prepared video and audio content and anything else they’d
like to steam from their desktop. The idea is to give them the range of opportunities they would
have if presenting in person.

With the current uncertainty we aren’t looking to capitalise, all of these solutions can be achieved
with minimal cost and we will be offering competitive pricing to ensure these are real, viable options to allow
our organisers’ Sales, Marketing and Operations teams can achieve everything they set out to do.

Please get in touch with David Stanley, Head of Corporate events, david.stanley@azteclive.com.

Browse our live streaming options here.

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